CDJs DJM Flight Cased, 2 Tips

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Keeping CDJ2000s & a DJM900 in a flight / coffin case keeps them protected and connected up all them time. Well most of the time. They have and will spend most of their time in there, however recently I did have a little dilemma as i give use of them to another DJ (DJ FUNKO) at my residency – Funko uses his own cables to connect up. Our dilemma was this; left pic, broken USB port (plastic bit in middle broken off), right pic (how it should be)

Thankfully a reasonably easy fix, the USB connector (Pioneer part DKN1574) (Note that I think this part number is for CDJ900 and CDJ2000 only, Nexus may be different) was a £10 and i got a friend of a friend to solder it on for a £20.

Apparently it’s a common problem, although iv’e never come across it before, however on that note it is a common problem for the ethernet ports to break. My assumption is that trying to plug it in blindly whilst in the box, normally in the dark, has resulted in it breaking off…

Tip 1, to stop it happening again:

A couple of these right angle USB adaptors with lead on it allow for easy disconnection and reconnection.

Tip 2, Ethernet Cables

For the ProDJ Link function to work when using rekordbox it all needs to be connected via a ethernet hub. I have mine hidden away underneath the mixer, with two extra cables coming out for laptop connections. I just coil them up and poke them behind the mixer which was never ideal as when you need to get to the back of the mixer its another cable in the way. This is easily solved by a ethernet joiner

Just run cables from the hub to where suits and easy connection / disconnection point, for me the top corner of the box.

If you need help getting a repair done to the USB port, feel free to message me on my Facebook page.

Peace out. Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

Written during Corona Virus outbreak 2020, on lockdown.

Actual ebay listings:
Right Angle USB B Adaptor with Lead
Pioneer CDJ900 / CDJ2000 USB Socket DKN1574
Ethernet coupler

Key phrases:
Broken CDJ USB Port
Broken CDJ900 USB Port
Broken CDJ2000 USB Port
CDJ USB Port Repair
CDJ900 USB Port Repair
CDJ2000 USB Port Repair

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